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Frank Sinatra & the Shabby Apple Girl
Jasmin Bollman
Posted on March 23 2014

Behind the Scenes in Sydney, Australia
The Shabby Apple Team
Posted on March 09 2014

Color Inspiration: Red & Pink
Brittany Jepsen
Posted on February 05 2014

Celebrate the Holidays with Vintage Decorations
Posted on December 10 2013
When I started doing research for this post, I tried desperately to find photos of the Christmas ornaments I remembered from my childhood. The mid-1980's were rife with garish aluminum ornaments in a dizzying array of often-mismatched colours. While they certainly weren't beauties to behold, they did help to shape and define my memories of [...]
Celebrating Vintage Beauty Products
Posted on October 28 2013
I often find myself using Google to find beauty ads from my youth. There is just something about seeing an ad from CoverGirl in the early 90's that was in a magazine I would read (YM, Seventeen, Sassy/Jane, etc.). It makes me feel nostalgic and I find myself wishing for simpler times. Everything seems simpler [...]
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